Get your hands on these free computer mobile phone wallpapers in 240×320 and 320×480 with a range of unique custom creations. If your a windows and apple fan you will love these funny start up screens and logo backgrounds. Some of our free cell phone wallpapers aren’t labeled as animated so the small thumbnail image of a free mobile wallpaper will not animate unless you view it at its full size. there’s something for everyone including apple, windows, intel etc and a few funny windows mobile wallpapers in here as well.
We have a related category which is specifically for windows and windows xp cell phone backgrounds below, just click on the link. Big computer brands are a part of everyday life so its fun to mock them with wallpapers like windows xp pirates edition, nightclub edition and evil inside lol. On the windows specific page there’s a choose your poison one containing both microsoft and apple which is pretty good if you ask me.